Education Loan Moratorium Period

Education Loan Moratorium Period

When students apply for an education loan for the first time, they can sometimes confuse the repayment policy. They might think it’s like a regular loan, where payments start immediately after the loan is disbursed. But education loans have a different repayment structure. The government understands that students can only repay the loan after they … Read more

Education Loan Apps

Education Loan Apps

Imagine you already have a student loan covering your course fees, hostel fees, and other academic expenses. However, unexpected costs like buying a new laptop, travel &  living expenses for an internship, student exchange program fees, or project costs can arise suddenly. In such cases, students often need quick access to funds but may not … Read more

Education Loan with No Interest

Education Loan With No Interest

Are you searching for an interest-free education loan in India? If so, you may have noticed that banks and NBFCs always charge interest on study loans. So, is it even possible to get a loan without paying interest? While you can’t completely avoid interest on a loan, what if we told you there’s a way … Read more

Education Loan Online

Education Loan Online

Imagine a sunny day when you are rushing to your nearest bank branch, drenched in sweat. The deadline for your admission is looming, and you neither have the time nor energy to visit multiple banks to apply for an education loan. If you just gulped after reading this, imagine how stressful it truly is to … Read more

What are NBFCs?

What are NBFCs

Are you looking for the best financial institutions for an education loan? Let’s talk about NBFCs! The full form of NBFC is Non-Banking Financial Company. These companies are registered with the RBI under the Companies Act of 1956 and offer services similar to banks but are not officially recognized as banks. NBFCs are involved in … Read more

Education Loan Tax Benefits

Education Loan Tax Benefits

Imagine Rohit, a professional who recently completed his MBA and was placed in one of the top MNCs. He has an education loan of ₹20 lakhs, and his CTC is ₹12 lakhs per annum. If he wants, he could pay off his entire education loan in a couple of years. However, from the view of … Read more

What is Education Loan Underwriting?

What is Education Loan Underwriting?

.Ever wondered why some education loan applications breeze through while others hit a dead end? The answer lies in the underwriting process. Grasping the education loan underwriting process could be a great boost to your education loan approval chances. This process is like a behind-the-scenes audition where banks decide if you are a worthy candidate. … Read more

Dos and Don’ts to Avoid Educational Loan Application Rejection

Dos and Don'ts to Avoid Educational Loan Application Rejection

Have you ever faced rejection for your education loan application? If so, you’re not alone. Many students find themselves in a situation where their application is rejected, even after carefully completing all the required formalities. The reasons for refusal are not always obvious, leaving applicants confused and uncertain about what went wrong. To improve your … Read more

What is a Collateral? – Understanding its Meaning, Purpose, Types and Importance

What is a Collateral

Imagine going from bank to bank, knocking on the doors of NBFCs and private lenders, only to hear the disheartening words, “Sorry, we cannot approve your loan.” This can be a crushing experience, especially for students desperately seeking financial support to cover their educational expenses. This story could be yours if you are unsure about … Read more